• Report

Determination of Acceptable Levels of Preservative Treated Timber in Timber Reuse Applications

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Published Date

September 2010

Globally wood is the most abundant biodegradable and renewable material yet there are numerous reasons to utilize it more efficiently. Given the range of economic and social concerns about greenhouse gas emissions and forest threats due to the adverse effect of climate change, considerable incentive and opportunity exists to use wood residues and post customer wood products. The large volume of wood waste being placed in landfill sites in Australia represents a significant opportunity.

Landfill sites are becoming more selective in the content and makeup of material that they will accept. The annual disposal of timber/wood products to landfill in Melbourne alone represents enough timber to fill the Melbourne Cricket Ground 1.5 times (Taylor et al., 2005). Post customer wood provides a high volume resource for recycled products.

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Findings Report:


J. Hann and G. Daian (The University of Melbourne, Melbourne School of Land and Environment, Department of Forest and Ecosystem Science), L.J. Cookson (Monash University, School of Biological Sciences) and S. Przewloka (The University of Melbourne, Melbourne School of Land and Environment, Department of Forest and Ecosystem Science)

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